Post Tagged with: "MSphere"

Coconut oil fights deadly yeast infections

Coconut oil fights deadly yeast infections

Coconut oil fights deadly yeast infections, according to a new and exciting study from researchers at Tufts University. The study focused on Candida albicans, which is the most common pathogen in human, with a 40% mortality rate when systemic infections occur. The study abstract provided the following study details: To […]

by August 20, 2016
Coconut oil fights yeast infections

Coconut oil fights yeast infections

Coconut oil has many surprising health benefits. Most of use grew up considering fats like coconut oil to be unhealthy and to be contributors to heart disease. Coconut oil is composed of a group of unique fat molecules known as medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). Although they are technically classified as saturated […]

by December 11, 2015