Post Tagged with: "Cell phone radiation"

Top 5 phones with the highest radiation levels

Top 5 phones with the highest radiation levels

Cell phones have become an integral part of our society. They are a great way of staying in touch with our loved ones and being more efficient in our work and day-to-day tasks. However, there are negative effects with cell phones. Mobile phones do emit radiation, and new research even […]

by August 2, 2015
Berkeley pushes to add cancer risk stickers on cell phones

Berkeley pushes to add cancer risk stickers on cell phones

Healthy living is a life style. It is about the environment you live in, the hair and skin care you use, the food you eat and water you drink. Healthy living also includes the precautions you take to protect your well-being. According to PewResearch Internet Project, 90% of American adults […]

by July 25, 2014
Could the cell phone in your pocket be killing your sperm?

Could the cell phone in your pocket be killing your sperm?

Healthy living is a life style. It is about the environment you live in, the hair and skin care you use, the food you eat and water you drink. Healthy living also includes the precautions you take to protect your well-being. According to PewResearch Internet Project, 90% of American adults […]

by June 28, 2014
Tips for safer cell phone use

Tips for safer cell phone use

Here are some essential tips on how to reduce cell phone radiation: 1. Use a headset or speaker Headsets emit much less radiation than phones. Choose either wired or wireless. Experts are split on which version is safer. Some wireless headsets emit continuous, low-level radiation, so take yours off your ear when […]

by November 15, 2012