Post Tagged with: "best allergy remedies"

5 natural remedies for seasonal allergies

5 natural remedies for seasonal allergies

Spring is here and with it comes allergies. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that around 40 million people in the United States alone suffer from seasonal allergies, known also by the common name of hay fever and the more technical name allergic rhinitis. Since May is Allergy […]

by May 11, 2020
Credit: © CSKN / Fotolia

Lemon and garlic allergy-relieving tonic

This lemon and garlic allergy-relieving tonic is a great natural way to give your immune system the help it needs to fight those sniffles and sneezes. Spring is here and with it comes allergies. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that around 40 million people in the United […]

by April 24, 2017
5 best tips to get through allergy season

5 best tips to get through allergy season

5 best tips to get through allergy season Spring is here and with it comes allergies. Stay equipped with the best tips to get through allergy season. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that around 40 million people in the United States alone suffer from seasonal allergies, known […]

by April 15, 2016