Search Results for "OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS" : 158

Dealing with psoriasis

Dealing with psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that forces skin cells to grow too rapidly.  Up to 7.5 million Americans suffer from the disease, according to the National Institutes of Health. It is actually an autoimmune disease and occurs when a type of white blood cell called a T cell mistakenly attacks […]

by August 28, 2019
Top 8 anti-aging foods

Top 8 anti-aging foods

Top 8 anti-aging foods Eating organic foods and including them in smoothies and drinks is key to optimal health. Fresh organic foods like fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, which protect from the effects of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is responsible for the aging process on skin, hair, and […]

by August 26, 2019
Credit: © lily_rocha / Fotolia

Decadent dairy-free and vegan strawberry milk

This decadent dairy-free and vegan strawberry milk is so delicious, you won’t need to buy the sugary store-bought stuff ever again. Marketed year-round, strawberries are the fifth most consumed fresh fruit in the United States, and their consumption more than doubled in the past decade. Juicily tempting and delicious, strawberries […]

by August 14, 2019
10 reasons to eat kale

10 reasons to eat kale

We all know how good leafy greens, are for optimum health. Kale is part of the cruciferous vegetable family, a group of vegetables known to be packed with nutrition. The health benefits of kale are endless. Let’s take a look at 10 reasons to eat kale. 1. Antioxidant rich: Kale […]

by August 11, 2019
Yummy, zesty applelicious drink for kids

Yummy, zesty applelicious drink for kids

Eating organic foods and adding healthy juices to your diet is key to reaching optimal health. The same applies to our kids. Feeding them healthy foods like organic leafy greens, organic fruits, and protein rich organic foods is key to their well being. It will also teach them healthy habits. This zesty […]

by August 6, 2019
10 reasons to eat flaxseeds

10 reasons to eat flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are well known for their nutrition value. They are a great source of vitamins, antioxidants, and so much more. These seeds make a great addition to smoothies and breakfast, adding texture and powerful health benefits. Let’s take a look at 10 reasons to eat flaxseeds. 1. Digestive health: Flaxseeds […]

by July 23, 2019
Pancreas health juice

Pancreas health juice

All organs in the body play their part. The pancreas may not get as much attention as the heart or kidney, but it is should be kept healthy with the right diet. When gastric juices make their way into the small intestine, the pancreas squirts pancreatic juice into the intestine […]

by July 22, 2019
Sprouts: The live food nutritional powerhouse

Sprouts: The live food nutritional powerhouse

Sprouts are an incredibly nutritious food. They are seeds that are grown in water until they sprout and then eaten. They make a convenient addition to salads and can pack a healthy punch. Vitamin content of some seeds can increase by up to 20 times their original value within a […]

by June 28, 2019